

So Jared woke up early last Tuesday morning (around 4) covered in throw up :(. Big Jared was throwing up all night long too so they stayed in bed all day Tuesday. We were told that this was going around and it would last about 24 hours. Well big Jared recovered in about a day or two but little Jared is still sick and we know now that it wasn't the bug that everyone is getting, but it's rotavirus. He has been given two different kinds of medicine and couldn't hold the first one down, but the second one seems to be better, we just can't really tell how much it's working. Most of you guys probably know what it is but in case you don't it basically causes him to have severe diarrhea and vomiting and dehydration. He has lost about 5 pounds since Tuesday and hasn't really been able to hold anything down besides a cracker here and there and some juice. It hasn't gotten to the hospitalization point yet but we don't know when he'll be over it, it's been 6 days now. You can see his poor little ribs through his back and he's so sad. Wylee, thank goodness, still seems to be doing just fine, and I haven't gotten sick at all either, so that's good. Anyways, keep baby Jared in your prayers!! Love you guys!


New Pictures

I haven't really had the chance to send any new pictures of Jared and Wylee to anyone for a while now, so I thought I would put a few up here for you.