
Happy Memorial Day!

We went camping at Lake Cyprus this weekend and had a ton of fun! Jared talked me into taking a tent instead of sleeping in someone's camper. I admit that I hated the idea especially since they were calling for rain. But we set up the tent anyways and it really wasn't that bad, if you don't mind sleeping in a hot sticky sauna. We had to keep the windows zipped up so the rain didn't get in, but we had a fan so it wasn't horrible. Jared is cutting 4 teeth right now, so he was kind of fussy, or a lot fussy. Wylee had a good time though. She didn't mind sleeping in the tent one bit. And Jared did really well in the tent too. So even though it rained we got to spend some time with family and really good friends. I'll put more pictures up later. Happy Memorial Day everybody!

I have no idea why this is upside down but I can't figure out how to change it.

Wylee makes some pretty funny faces sometimes :)

Big and little Jared after we TRIED to swim in the lake, it started raining as soon as we got in, plus it was freezing.

A family photo minus Wylee, she was already asleep.

Once little Jared saw the guys squating down to blow on the fire, he felt like he had to do it too, and he wanted me to join him but everytime I squated he would get up and run to another spot and call me over there. It was funny.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

looks like a lot of fun--we should go camping together sometime