
Where did SHE go?!

I know that I already posted today...but I had to do just one more. I was getting ready to go to my mom's house for a family movie night...and a not too unfamiliar moment arose. I thought to myself, "Why in the world can I no longer put together an outfit that doesn't consist of some form of jogging pant and a t-shirt with a sweat shirt over it? And why can't I figure out how to do my make-up anymore?!" This happens a lot when I'm pregnant...just ask Jared. I often wonder where the heck that cute 20 year old blonde girl went that could put an outfit together, always had cute make-up on and could spark up a conversation with any stranger, never a dull moment with her. She's gone. Long gone I am afraid. I can't put an outfit together to save my life. And I forgot how to do make-up. It's the saddest thing. Sure I started having kids at 22... but did SHE have to leave me in the dust!?!?! Having kids doesn't mean you lose your sense of style and you forget how to be cute! But for me however, this happened. This is a picture of me when I was 21:

I want this girl to come back, but maybe put a little sweater on or something because this dress isn't that modest...
Or maybe this girl could come back...she isn't blonde anymore, but she's still cute, and she knows how to dress at least a little bit!

I'm just feeling sorry for my frumpy self today!! I think I will go study pictures of my life before kids and see if I can get a hang of things again...wouldn't that be nice?!

I give up :)

Today is one of those days...although if you are my poor husband, then I don't need to tell YOU that now do I?  My phone is broken AGAIN. Go figure. Who would have thought that a "Go-Phone" wouldn't last very long. You can call me, I can hear you saying "Hello, Hello..can you hear me? Hello." but you can't hear me saying "Yes, I can hear you, but my phone is broken. Sorry." CLICK. It broke on Sunday right before we left Kingwood....which is a whole different sob story itself. We made the mistake of NOT leaving first thing in the morning. So I eventually had to eat something because it was noon and I was starving. I should have just starved. It took us 6 hours to get from Kingwood to Rockwall (not a 6 hour drive on a normal basis). Jared had to pull over about 6 times so that I could throw my life up in a parking lot, a hill made of rocks, a different parking lot, a dirt road, and a sonic cup. I begged him to leave me in the Walmart parking lot in Huntsville. I said I can't do it, I can't be in the car anymore, I am for sure dying. If you haven't figured it out yet, I get horribly car sick while pregnant. I honestly thought i needed to be checked into a hospital. I spent the entire ride with my head in my own lap trying to forget that the car was moving. Eating a disgusting ginger snap....while chugging anti-nausea medicine every 15 minutes (not to exceed an hour...so that didn't help me). It was by far the worst trip of my life. I don't know how to describe it to you other than take the worst case of food poisoning, or the stomach flu, that you have ever had and then go hop into a car for 6 hours. the whole time I hear freaking Dora the Explorer in the back seat and every time I start to cry again sweet baby Jared says "Mommy, what happened? You bout to throw up? You sick? What happened?" Then Jared saying "It's okay Jared, leave mommy alone, she doesn't feel good, she can't talk". So sad. ANYWAYS, that was two days ago and I am just now feeling right again. Back to my bad day. I'm sick of not being able to call my husband because my phone is a peice of junk...or anyone else for that matter. And poor Wylee just would NOT take a nap this morning! I have blankets to finish by Christmas with a massive case of tendonitis hanging over my head and sweet Wylee just crying at the pedal of my sewing machine. After arguing with jared via yahoo chat about my phone...I walk into the living room to find an ENTIRE bag of pop corn smashed all over the living room floor. All over it. I asked Jared what happened and he said he spilled. I said why didn't you clean it up? He said he just couldn't. I said so you decided to dance all over it instead? And he said "yes." SO I vacuumed that up for the next 25 minutes while Wylee just screamed in her room for me to come get her out of jail. Let me back up a little bit....while at Peyton's funeral on Saturday baby Jared took a lovely spill down the stairs out front. It bruised almost instantly but that was it. This morning however there is a nice substance oozing out of the corner of his eye....like he has a blocked tear duct. AWESOME. Dr. Dad is going to take a look at it when he gets home. I feel so bad for him. Anyways, so I keep looking at Jared's eye today and thinking, wow that looks gross, and it came out of nowhere. BUT ALAS! It is 2:39 and both kids are finally napping...and at the same time. I said it once and I will say it again...it is a Christmas miracle! For now anyways. So after this post is finished I will be hopefully finishing one blanket at least and getting a few presents wrapped and under the tree, maybe even getting a SHOWER in at some point (would I be so lucky?)....assuming no one is going to open them when they wake up. We'll see.

P.S. Where is the spell check on this new post editor!?!?! I need it!



I bet you guys would like to see some of the kids lately, huh? Maybe next time! Just playing....well sort of. I will have to get all of our new ones from Jared :) That is if there is anyone left out there still interested in our boring little lives in Fate, Texas! :) Merry Christmas!


Peyton is famous...

...well sort of. Jared sent me an email today with a link in it. A guy that he works with spends some time on a few hunting forums and it seems that Peyton is well known on one of them. I clicked on the link and of course cried when I read about all the people that have never met Peyton but somehow heard his story and have been following his CaringBridge journal. Someone posted the news of Peyton's passing and it was touching to see how many people were touched by Peyton's story without even knowing who he is. I have no idea who first put the post up about him in the first place, but apparently a lot of these people got the number to his prayer pager too and used it often. I did good yesterday, I only cried for part of the day instead of the entire day like I did on Tuesday. We are leaving tomorrow, the funeral is on Saturday. Hopefully it will start to get easier after this weekend....I doubt it, but maybe! I have to remind myself to just pray about it every time I get upset, and let the Lord help me. Not to mention remind myself that Peyton has a lot of work to do up there, and that's the reason he's gone. Because Heavenly Father needed him. I don't blame him. Anyways, here's the link that Jared sent me. It really is neat that perfect strangers have been sending prayers Peyton and his family's way for a while now. I love that.


We will miss you Peyton!

My heart hurts so much this morning. We got news that our nephew, Peyton, lost his battle with cancer early this morning. He was 8 years old. I keep reminding myself that it's a good thing, because now he isn't in pain anymore. Now he gets to live with our Heavenly Father and do his work. And that's a great thing. But I'm still sad, and it still hurts. I am so sad for my brother in law and sister in law, and for my 3 nephews and neice that have just lost their brother. I'm sad for Ruth and Rebekah's kids who will have to deal with the pain of losing a cousin that they are SO close to. I'm sad for Sarah who is on her mission and hasn't been able to spend the same time with Peyton in his last months that the rest of us have. And I am SO sad for his two grandmothers who are probably in a world of hurt this morning. I don't have the right things to say in a situation like this. I am so bad at it that it makes me sick. For the last year and a half I have watched their family handle this with such grace that I have been amazed. I would like to think that if it were Jared and I, I would be able to handle it the same way. I don't think I would though. They have been such a strong inspiration through everything. I'm, not going to spend too much time on this post because I think I said enough, and I could go on forever. I love my family with all of my heart and I'm so lucky to have all of the in laws that I have, and my own family as well. I will miss Peyton so much and I only knew him for a little over 3 years. So rest in peace Peyton, you have been such a strong little boy. We love you Peyton Thomas Ricker!




We found out on Tuesday that I'M PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!!! We were planning for this one, so yes we know how close our kids will be in age....no need to remind us :) And YES we know how expensive kids are, please don't remind us of that either. We are thrilled so let us be! If I got pregnant when I think I did then our due date will be mid to late July which means I will probably have surgery mid july. Sonogram pictures to come!!!!