
Pictures of the babies

Well well well...what do ya know....a cookie.

See food.

Story time :)

Gummy Worms...Jared calls them Gunny Worms

He was proud of his treat from the fabric store.

Looky here, Wylee wants some too...who woulda thought?

She would bite a part off and then i would find it stuck somewhere....nice.

At the park, eating again :)

The treat he picked out at the store for his park day.

They LOVED this thing.

She liked sitting up there more than she did actually going down it.

He's a pro.

It's hard to take a good picture while they are coming at your face.

Jared snuck out of the house during bath time on Monday and brought us some Family Home Evening treats since I didn't make anything.

And you know SHE was begging for some. If Jared didn't get a spoonfull fast enough she was slide on over to me and beg.


Elizabeth & Chad said...

Such cute kiddos! I think that Jared looks more like you and Wylee like your mom!

Bethany said...

so sweet! Happy Anniversary as well! :) Hope you all had a great time last night!!! :)

Mykla said...

They are too cute! We need to have a play date!