
Hey Everyone! Come See How Good I Look!

Wylee got a hair cut today! I was so tired of seeing that comb over! I cut about 3 inches of hair off the top of her head. So now she is minus the comb over and her hair is all one length. I was sad, but it's not like bows would stay in her hair anyways and when I was finally honest with myself I knew she looked ridiculous. She has a double cow lick so her hair is waving to itself all the time. I decided to cut it while she was in the bath yesterday and Jared was so jealous that Wylee was getting a bath that he climbed into the tub with her.....clothes, diaper and all. He loves bath time. I took a video of it but since Wylee is naked, we decided not to put it on here.

1 comment:

HowryFamily said...

AHHH I LOVE her!!!! :) She is just so stinkin' cute!!! Yay for her first haircut:) Emma's bangs are wayyy to long but I'm to much of a chicken to cut them!