
Mother's Day Weekend

I never got to let everyone know how spoiled I was on Mother's Day! Well I guess I COULD have written this sooner, but we've been really busy. Plus I was trying to wait for Jared to give me a few updated pictures of the kids from his camera but he still hasn't yet so I'll just have to add them later. We sort of had a Mother's Day weekend out here, Jared brought me Tulips on Saturday and for dinner that night he made me steak, shrimp, and mashed potatoes with cheese and bacon in them. Let me back up real quick, Saturday morning started off nicely when a neighbor started banging on our front door at 8 in the morning and when I answered it she started cussing me out because Jared was mowing our lawn. I mean CUSSING me out, it was terrifying. Apparently she had a late night out on the driveway and the sound of Jared's lawn mower wasn't making things any better. So she told me it was illegal for him to be mowing at that time and she could call the cops on him. So I did her one better, I called Dallas who was on duty and he laughed and said it wasn't illegal but he could come write HER a ticket for cussing me out. But they are our neighbors so I didn't want to do that. Dallas decided to stop by and say hello anyways and as soon as they saw Dallas' squad car, everyone in the house left and didn't come back for quite some time. I thought that was pretty funny. Anyways, back to my dinner... it was soooo good!!!! I'm so lucky that Jared knows his way around a grill :) He also cleaned the kitchen afterward! And then on Sunday morning he brought me breakfast in bed....I got fried eggs, bacon, and toast. It was PERFECT! I even got a little flower in a cup of water. It was really sweet. I almost made it through my entire breakfast without having to share with baby Jared, ALMOST. But it was an even trade because baby Jared hads some NERDS that he shared with me in return. Mom came and picked up the kids before we left for church so that my grandparents could spend a little time with them. The primary sang some songs for Mother's Day and it was so sweet. And we heard some GREAT talks about moms. After church we went over there for fajitas and sopapilla cheesecake. So I was spoiled and fed very well all weekend long! I hope everyone had a Mother's Day as wonderful as mine was!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

sounds like a great weekend