
Our amazing 4th!

We had an AWESOME 4th of July this year!!! The pictures that I'm putting up are stolen from my sister-in-law's blog for now, we haven't uploaded ours yet. We got to spend our long weekend in New Braunfuls (I really can not spell that) with ALMOST all of Jared's sisters and brother and mom. His youngest sister is still on her mission so she missed out on our family fun, but I think it was too good of a time to not do it again soon. We had all of Jared and Wylee's 13 cousins, plus all of the adults....I guess technically there were 14 cousins, one still in the womb :) We spent almost the entire day at Schlitterban on Friday and we had about as much fun as you can have with a 7 month old and a 23 month old, lol. But I know that all the older kids had a great time so we were happy about that. And then Saturday was a big day too! It was miss Caitlyn's 9th birthday, so we had a chocolate flag cake in her honor (and it was sooo good), along with ice cream. Jared grilled chicken and sausages and we had a little cookout to celebrate! After cake and ice cream we went to the San Marcus fireworks and Charite bought all the kids those fun little glow sticks, baby Jared made us sleep with his, he was so in love with it. I have some good videos to put up to, all the kids were so cute when the firework show started. Jared's ready to get out of the bath now so I'll have to put more up later.
We really tried to get a cousin picture but this is the best we got, lol. It was a good effort.
Sweet baby Jared

Me and Ruth

Big Jared, Aimee, Little Jared and Charite

Rane and Wylee

1 comment:

Ruth said...

feel free to steal pics from our blog anytime we had a great time and think we should do it more often too