

So I spent all morning getting ALL of our home videos on the computer. Nice. And analyzing. And registering. Now I just have to crop and edit....someday. But for your viewing pleasure, I am going to try to post some videos of the kids playing together and some from the 4Th of July with family. Not too much is going on around here. Well, actually, as I typed that I thought to myself "If not a lot is going on around here then why am I so exhausted all the time and why don't I watch t.v. more often. Oh yeah that's right, I have two babies". I guess "Cars" and "Finding Nemo" count as t.v. for now. I guess we do have SOME exciting information....Wylee is now an INDEPENDENT SITTER!!! Yay for her!!!! I walked in the living room and heard baby Jared laughing at something behind the coffee table and as I peeked around there she was sitting straight up with her hands propped up on her fat little leg rolls and her bottom lip sucked in just lookin around at her new view. So then Jared and I were BOTH laughing at her. She has some pretty good facial expressions. I think my life is about to get much harder, it's easy for Jared to just take a toy away from her if he doesn't want her touching it....she can't go after it. But soon enough she will be crawling and Jared is gonna have a hard time keeping things away from her. So either he will just learn how to share with his little "sissy", as he calls her, or he's gonna be really upset, and often. Other than trying to get ready for the cruise, not much else is happening! Jared and Caine
Jared laying with Caine.....he was laughing so hard in there.

Jared got his Aunt Becky to get him that car while we were at Build-A-Bear and Wylee is just the right size for it!

Little sleepy Wylee and her baby doll :)

The video is from 4th of July, it's just a TINY bit of all the videos that we took. I'll put more up later. They are lengthy. The pictures are just some randomly taken photos from the last month or so!

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