
Last weeks Playdate

My lovely friend Leslie babysits a cute little boy named Colton every Thursday, so last Thursday we decided to meet at McDonalds for a little playdate since he is around Jared's age! It took him a while to warm up but once he did they kids had so much fun together! Even Wylee got in the playplace and ventured around a little bit....it was too cute, they wore themselves out!
Sweet Wylee, her first time in the playplace :)
Colton and Jared
She was so excited in there!
Please look past all the nasty ketchup on his face....gross.
We don't know this little girl but she sure did try to get in a lot of the pictures. P.S. this "little" girl doesn't even turn 2 until next month...she was huge next to Jared and Colton.
Wylee and Colton...Wylee was about ready for a nap.

Jared going down the slide!


Mykla said...

Geez that little girl looks likes she's 4!

Kallie really didn't play in the snow! She just stood there and looked at. Like what in the world is this?!?!

raschel said...

how did wylee do in the play place? (did ya'll go to the mcD's in the rock?) those places make me nervous b/c i'm afraid makena's going to get stuck and I won't be able to help her...plus, she has surgery in less than 3 weeks, and I don't want her to get sick from touching germies in them (she can't have a cold or anything for 2 weeks prior to surgery). But seriously, did Wylee crawl all over the place? I want to go sometime! Maybe in a month?!

Unknown said...

Mykla, she really was huge, lol!!!

Raschel, Wylee stayed pretty close to the first step :) It was in Rock, She made it up maybe to the 3rd or 4th but once she turned the corner and couldn't see me at the bottom anymore she came RIGHT back down...tears and all, lol. It was fun though!! What is Makena having surgery for?!?!