
Happy Be-lated Birthday Wylee Girl!!

Jared had all the pictures from Wylee's first birthday on his computer, and I FINALLY HAVE THEM!!! So I can finally show you our sweet baby girl at her two first birthday parties. She has been such a joy to us and a precious addition to our family. Watching her and Jared together is the main reason that I decided we HAVE to have at least one more! They are so sweet (most of the time) to each other and i just couldn't imagine stopping just yet. We love you Wylee Bug!
The little cake that I made for her to tear into at the party we had at our house.
Her first piggy tails :)
The awesome cake that Aunt Ruth made for her joint birthday celebration with her Cousin Jade.
Wylee= lady bug, Jade= cupcake
She LOVED her cake!
She had no problem just sticking her face right into it...love it!

Jared on the other hand (and he IS the other hand in this pic) didn't want anything to do with tearing into his first bday cake, I was so upset by it!! He got so disgusted by the way that Wylee was eating her cake he felt like he needed to feed it to her with a spoon instead. Poor little guy.

And she let him :) Sorry about the creepy red eye.
such a sweet little birthday girl!
On her actual birthday we took her to McDonalds for her first ever happy meal and then went to pick out our Christmas tree...it was a great day :)


baileybitsandpieces said...

Her pigtails.....cuuu-uuute!

Mykla said...

Happy belated birthday Wylee!

Hey doll! I gave you award over at my blog!